
Giant Sunspot intrigues astronomers

There is a gigantic sunspot that at this moment is crossing the solar disk, and it can be clearly observed with the naked eye, and with this we mean that you can see it with protection, and not with the naked eye without protection because you can go blind.

In SKYSHOP we do not care about your eyesight, so we remind you that whenever you do solar observations, use the proper protection to avoid eye damage, if you do not have the equipment in our store you will find everything you need.

Ok back to the note, the size of the spot is so impressive that it can be clearly seen with the naked eye, the spot named AR3310, is at this moment aligned with the earth so it will be easy to find it.

Sunspots are dark, relatively cool regions on the surface of the sun, known as the photosphere. These are caused by highly complex and changing interactions in the sun’s magnetic field.

Solar Macha

Sunspots can be of various sizes, some are so small that they are barely noticeable, while others can be several times the size of the earth.

Surely you are wondering how to see the big spot, and well it is relatively easy, you just have to look at the sun directly with eclipse glasses of course, or if you can not burn your retina, then once you have put on the glasses you just have to look at the sun, and ready you will see some black dots.

Does it have risks for our planet?

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, which monitors space weather, said there is a 20 percent chance that the spot could emit an X-class flare while still in front of Earth.

These flares are explosions on the surface of the Sun, which occur when energy stored in twisted magnetic fields is suddenly released. These flares are as powerful as a billion H-bombs.

The NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration of the United States) classifies these flares according to their strength and the amount of X-ray energy they release, and there are three categories C, M and X, with the scale being from lowest to highest, i.e., from C to X.

X-types can cause major damage and disturbances on earth such as high frequency radio blackouts and geomagnetic storms. These events can have significant effects on our technology, including interruptions in satellite communications, power failures, and in extreme cases, damage to satellites and power systems.

So there is a risk, but there is no need to be alarmed, let’s go on with our lives and do not forget to observe the spot, and remember to see it with special lenses or through a telescope with a qualified filter.

Remember that in you can find lenses, telescopes and binoculars for solar observation.

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